Er, this robot is not completely finish. It tooks me more than two weeks to get everything clear. This robot has three microcontrollers, the master (ATMega16); which acts as a referee where it decides robot navigation based on Fuzzy Logic, the 1st slave (ATMega16); which controls 6 ultrasonic sensors (PING) and the 2nd slave (AT90S2313); as an additional sensors placeholder (CMPS03, 2 GP2D15 and two bumper switches). For candle’s flame detection it uses UVTron. Unfortunately, i didn’t make video for this robot and now the robot became cannibal spare part for new CERC’s robot. OK, here are the source code which coded in C using CodeVisionAVR IDE :- Master uC (receives PING data from 1st slave and does FL rules)
- 1st Slave uC (transmits PING data into its master)
- 2nd Slave uC (i coded only CMPS03, the rest is your homework
- Simple Digital Lock
I have no idea if someone still searching this stuff. Simple Digital Lock with LCD was made for my damn PI. Really simple, using AT89S51, LCD 2×16 (any LCD based on Hitachi 44780 chip controller) and numeric keypad. Files, source code and paper (in Bahasa Indonesia), can be downloaded here. - Digital Clock + Stopwatch
Read my blog post here. - Automatic Fan With PWM Control
I built this one for my friend’s PI. It uses LM35DZ and built in ADC on ATMega8535. Here’s the source code.
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